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In this video series (5 total videos) I discuss which remedies can be used for the various emotions experienced during this pandemic quarantine. In this video I discuss grief, starting with the 5 stages of grief, and ending with 3 homeopathic remedies that can be used for grief.

In the next 4 videos I will discuss homeopathic remedies for: loneliness, financial fears/anxiety, fear of germs/virus/health, anger from oppression/injustice.

Time stamps:

2:25 The 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) 9:50 Intro to this video series: Emotions I will discuss (grief, loneliness, financial fears, fear of germs/health, feeling of oppression/injustice) 11:20 Homeopathic Remedies for Grief 12:25 Phosphorus materia medica (which symptoms it covers) 16:25 Ignatia amara materia medica 19:50 Natrum muriaticum materia medica

Product links:



Natrum muriaticum

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