Lazy kids. I don’t believe they exist! Join me as I discuss what I believe is really behind “laziness” in kids.
Depression. Come kids can appear lazy because they are depressed! Depression can look like anger, oppositional behavior, irritability, and low energy. They’ve just lost interest.
Not on their path? Some kids, I believe, appear lazy because the activities we put in front of them are not in alignment with their life path.
Contest (#momsAWAKE Coffee Mug Give-Away):
- Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, then rate, and review (take a screenshot before or after you submit).
- Post your “review screenshot” on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, include the title of the podcast along with the hashtag (Enlightened Moms, Raising Evolved Kids Podcast, #momsAWAKE)
*this contest is running through the end of 2018
You can connect with me on all social media @holisticstephie, or StephieNewton.com
To continue the discussion, join us at Enlightened Moms, Raising Evolved Kids Facebook Group
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