Homeopathy Case Study: Improvement in Selective Mutism, PANDAS/PANS, Anxiety, and Inguinal Hernia using Homeopathic Thuja.

Homeopathy Case Study: Improvement in Selective Mutism, PANDAS/PANS, Anxiety, and Inguinal Hernia using Homeopathic Thuja.

In this video I discuss how a homeopathic remedy called Thuja helped a young lady (a client) with selective mutism and pandas/pans, an older woman (my mom!) with anxiety, and a young boy (my son) with emotions and inguinal hernia. Materia Medica for Thuja...
How I Choose a Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy

How I Choose a Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy

There are multiple ways to analyze a case and choose the best constitutional homeopathic remedy (the remedy best suited for any given case). In this video I go over these methods and how I may combine methods in a case to be sure I am arriving at the best protocol!...